The Guard


ARTE, SSR / SRG, David Dufresne

The Guard is the tangible part of the web-documentary, initiated by David Dufresne, Anita Hugi and Akufen. The installation shows what the GAFA (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple), in other words the giants of the web, know about us through our data. By manipulating the Guard, a puppet created by Sophie Taeuber, we discover the strings that link us to our digital identity.

David Dufresne, Anita Hugi and Akufen.
Zurich SBB & Locarno Film Festival

The user manipulates a cardboard box, in which she positioned her smartphone. Placed in front of a projected screen, this box, recognised by a camera, becomes the head of the puppet. Around the puppet, specific information about the user appears; photographs, images, links, memories and forgotten information.

By moving the puppet, the user can break the strings, and liberate herself from the GAFA. Check also our Dada Manifesto, written during the Hackathon at Cabaret Voltaire (Zurich, Switzerland).



A generative identity and logo for the 25th anniversary of Abissa, a Swiss IT company

Parhélie, a permanent light sculpture for the BCGE lobby, simulating the flickering effect on the surface of the lake using Geneva's meteorological data